Don’t usually post but …………Sunday’s  race was the culmination of your winter’s training and it was outstanding to see a huge number of Gala Harriers competing in the biggest xc race in the country. There were some fine performances and every Harrier putting in every effort to get round the mudbath of Callender Park. start men Falkirk 2014Here’s a few stats (in handy 10 year chunks) just to chart the club’s journey at the National. 30 years ago in 1984, first home from Gala was Billy Anderson in 133rd, he went on to run 70mins for the ½ marathon. There were a grand total of 7 Gala Harriers out in the 500 plus finishers, no ladies or juniors. 1994 saw 6 Harriers toe the line in a field of 541 finishers and although this was the first combined championships, still no women or juniors from Gala Harriers. 2004, a decade ago in Perth just 6 men completed the course. However, a significant development, the first women’s team compete and finish in a creditable 8th place. The next few years saw the juniors stepping up to the plate and on to the podium, winning individual and team medals. Wind the clock forward to today, the entries read 19 juniors, 23 men and 14 women. Add to this the support team of parents, families and friends I think that it would be fair to say Gala Harriers have made a bit of progress.

Neil Renton