To enable both Gala Harrier juniors and seniors to return to training we must follow the government rules for training group sizes and physical distancing. Team App has been setup by our welfare officer / covid coordinator Jan Brown to enable the club to keep safe and follow the guidelines. All sessions must be pre-booked via the team app.  Many of you are already up and running with team app but if you require more information please click the how do I join a team ..button and follow the instructions.. Jan has advised that junior parents/guardians fill in their own details but add the kids details via the comments..

Please note your club membership was extended from last year and there is no membership payment for now, however starting from this Thursday 13th August 2020 there will be the usual track fee of £2 per athlete, please ensure you bring the right money as we are unable to give out change. Future sessions will offer a contactless  card payment.

Age 11 and under
• Children aged 11 years and younger are not required to physically distance
• Coaches and other adults must continue to physically distance as per Scottish
Government guidance (2m for time being) at all times
scottishathletics recommend a maximum group of 8 athletes for this age group.

Age 12-17 years
• For older children aged 12-17 a ‘field of play bubble’ can be created during organised
sports activity that allows contact whilst the activity is taking place, in effect suspending
physical distancing guidelines for the duration of the activity.
• Normal physical distancing guidelines will however apply before and after the activity
takes place
• Coaches and other adults must continue to physically distance as per Scottish
Government guidance (2m for time being) at all times.
scottishathletics recommend a maximum group of 10 athletes for this age group.

Age 18+
• When coaching athletes aged 18+, guidance remains that each group must be no more
than 5 households (including the coach) and a maximum of 15 people.
• Normal physical distancing guidelines will however apply at all times.